About Mr. Speer
David Speer, Director of Bands
Mr. Speer began his teaching career in the Fall of 2004 as an Assistant Band Director at Frenship High School and Percussion Coordinator for Frenship Schools - a post he held for eight years before transferring to Terra Vista Middle School to serve as their Director of Bands for the four years prior to joining the faculty in New Deal ISD. After five years leading the Lion Pride Band, Speer and his family moved to Wink, where he started teaching in 2021. He holds a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Texas at Austin and Texas Teacher Certification for Secondary Music.
Before coming to West Texas, Mr. Speer taught private lessons and marching percussion in Leander ISD at Cedar Park High School and surrounding schools from 1999-2003. He also served as the percussion director for Vista Ridge High School and Henry Middle School in 2003-2004. While at Texas, Speer performed regularly with the prestigious UT Wind Ensemble under the direction of Jerry Junkin as well as Longhorn Band, Concert Chorale, and was President of the UT Men's Chorus. His notable teacher influences include Glen Richter, George Frock, Dr. Craig Hella Johnson, Dr. Suzanne Pence, Dr. Tom Burritt, Dr. Morris Stevens and Paul Garretson. Speer attended Westwood HS in Round Rock ISD and was a TMEA All-State percussionist in 1996 in addition to multiple All-Region Band, All-Region Orchestra, and All-Region Choir appearances.
Outside of his teaching duties in Wink, Speer has worked as a private percussion instructor and freelance drummer in the Lubbock area. He also performed regularly with the Lubbock Concert Band and the Chancel Choir at First Methodist Church in Lubbock. He is a published composer and an Educator Artist for Innovative Percussion, Inc.
David married his wife Tamara in December of 2003 and they have two boys and a girl: Jackson, Turner, and Priscilla. Speer's professional affiliations include the Texas Music Educators Association, Texas Bandmasters Association, The National Association for Music Education and the Percussive Arts Society.