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Congratulations to Wink Elementary - Distinguished Performance School by the Texas Education Agency!
The Wink-Loving Elementary School has been named a Distinguished Performance School by the Texas Education Agency!
The Texas Education Agency's Title I, Distinguished Schools prestigious designation recognizes schools that have consistently demonstrated strong academic performances over a three-year period. All of these Title I, Part A schools achieved the Academically Exemplary rating for the present school year and have a residing population of 40% or more low income students—as reported on NCLB Consolidated Application for Federal Funding.
Distinguished Performance Schools have achieved a minimum of a Recognized status for the two previous years, and Distinguished Progress Schools have increased their status from either Academically Unacceptable or Acceptable two years ago, to Recognized or Exemplary last year and Exemplary this year.
There are only 211 schools in the state named a Distinguished Performance School. Wink-Loving Elementary was one of only two recognized in Region 18!
The State Distinguished Performance Schools Criteria is as follows:
♦ Title I, Part A Campus 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013
♦ 40% or more low-income in 2012-2013
♦ Met Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)1 in 2011 and 2012
♦ Spring 2011 Exemplary2
♦ Spring 2010 Exemplary or Recognized
♦ Spring 2009 Exemplary or Recognized
"This is a tremendous accomplishment and a very distinguished honor. Congratulations to Mr. Carman, the teachers, support staff, parents, and, most especially, our students. Your collective efforts and hard work over a sustained period of time has really made a difference in the lives of our students. We are very proud of you! Keep up the great work." ~Mr. Smith, Supt. of WLISD